Protect your high-value fruit and vegetable crops with the unique VOEN Covering System. Proven by hundreds of satisfied growers worldwide, VOEN mitigates the risk of rain, hail, frost, and insects, enabling a stable production of high quality.

Imagine sitting under a tree full of leaves when a rain shower passes by in the middle of the Summer. You don’t get wet, and when the shower is over, the wind blows through the tree, drying up the leaves and letting any humidity evaporate.
The VOEN Covering System is built on the same principles. Flexible plastic flaps stitched to a hail net are creating a rain proof cover, as the weight of the rainwater keeps the flaps closed. In dry periods the flaps will open with the wind and facilitate natural ventilation under the cover. This creates an optimal micro-climate, giving healthier plants and better quality of the harvested product.

The self-ventilating VOEN cover provides a unique solution for rain protection while maintaining an optimal climate for our cherry crop. The stable yield of high-quality cherries makes us an attractive supplier of early cherries for exports
Albert & Albert, Joalsan Fruits, Spain
VOEN protects your crops from

Rain is strongly affecting the yield and quality of most high-value crops.
VOEN protects your crop!

The VOEN insect net provides you safety in terms of all pests that want to enter your orchard – VOEN protects your crop!

In most regions growers have problems with high temperatures and condensation under covers – not with the self-venting VOEN covering system!

Hail can destroy a promising crop within a few minutes - VOEN is the system to include full protection!

A rising number of frost events in critical periods made us introduce the ANTIFROSTVOEN – have a look at our sustainable heaters!

Growing your crop in optimal microclimatic conditions significantly decreases the risk of bacterial & fungal diseases!